April 10, 2015

Writing is a Process (1000 Words)

So, I'm smack in the middle of a BIG final edit on my manual, when I stopped to read a FB post from one of my favorite writers. She posted, "If I start to post here constantly, don't be surprised. I'm revising, and, frankly, I would rather walk across ground glass than revise." Oh, Anna (Quindlen), I am so with you on this. My 1000 words have turned into a monster of a project. I think the black and white images that flash on my screen are indeed words, but at this point, they could be tiny little penguins marching across my page. Then one of my dogs rolled his ball under a piece of furniture. As I went to retrieve it, I found the first draft of my book. Looky here... that's where you've been hiding. I quickly shoved it back under the furniture.